Wednesday, May 16, 2012


                                             EXTRA CREDIT FOURTH QUARTER
HISTORY - Make an illustrated timeline of the Civil Rights movement from Reconstruction to 1970. Include events (bus boycott, "I have a dream" speech),  laws (Plessy v. Fergusen),  famous people (Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, etc.). The timeline must have at least 15 dates. NEATNESS COUNTS  (partner, 50 point)
SCIENCE- Make a poster explaining simple machines. Include pictures of everyday items that are, or use, simple machines. (no partner, 50 points)
ALGEBRA- Olympics are coming this summer! Choose a sport to research. Make a graph about how the times, weights, distances ( however winning is measured in that event),  have changed over the last 12 Olympics. Give an explanation or reason for the changes. (partner, 50 points)
READING/LANGUAGE ARTS You will investigate the lyrics to a favorite song. (Keep it classroom appropriate.) Find any poetic elements, rhyme scheme, rhythm, imagery, etc. Your final project will be a copy of the song plus an essay explaining what you discovered. (no partner)
Projects are due June 4.

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